Bob's Angry Rants


Racists and the holidays

12/17/2002 - 10:19 a.m.

I'm sure that all my readers will be happy to know that Martha is somewhat racist. Today she was complaining about how "I hate talking to these Asian people. Dr. Lee. If he's so smart to go be a doctor, why can't he learn how to talk so people can understand him? I don't understand why we don't make these people learn to speak proper English when we let them into the country. I just hate talking to these Asians." (I may have gotten some articles and prepositions wrong, but that is the essence of what she said).

Now, I'm not an expert on office sensitivity training or anything, but I'm guessing that this is not considered appropriate. And one has to wonder, while she was telling me this, did she ever notice that I'm Chinese? I mean, I know that there are a lot of ignorant bigots out there, but most are smart enough to at least keep their stupid opinions to themselves (except for Trent Lott, apparently. Questionable company to keep, if you ask me). Martha, however, said this straight to my face like it was the most normal thing in the world and she expected me to agree with her. I didn't respond. I didn't really know how to.


Also, a little more tacit racism at the office holiday lunch. The restaurant we were at was playing some jazzy Christmas album and a track with Ella Fitzgerald came on. I commented that I love Ella, and a colleague of mine who said that the song was not being performed by Ella. It quickly became apparent, to me, anyway, that she knew nothing at all about Ella's music or music in general. When I asked her who she thought it was, not only did she not know, but she didn't even know the names I suggested (other well known jazz vocalists). Her argument against it being Ella was that it sounded "too young," as if she never sang before she turned 55. For some reason, however, everyone at the table believed her and not me. I personally believe that it was because she's Black (stereotypically rhythmic/music oriented) and I'm Asian (stereotypically music impaired, think karaoke) because I had much more knowledge of the subject matter than she did. Or I guess it could be that morons just feel the need to stick together.

I don't know. maybe I'm geing too sensitive but that's the way it looks to me.

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