Bob's Angry Rants


Letter to Fox re: New Show

02/11/2003 - 11:47 a.m.

February 11, 2003

Rupert Murdoch
Fox Broadcasting Co.
P.O. Box 900
Beverly Hills, CA 90213

re: Great idea.

Dear Mr. Murdoch:

I have a great idea for a show that I think would be perfect for your network. It is a show that is based on the life of Robert ***** (that's me). Basically, it would follow my travails as a legal secretary by day and student by night. I have a host of funny, interesting friends and a loving wife, Anne. My best friend Will could drop by all the time to spice it up a little. Did I mention that he is bisexual? I hear that plays really well these days.

Okay, okay. So maybe that sounds a little dull. But what if I also had special powers? Like, for example, the ability to stop time. Or maybe I could be a robot! Or better yet, a robot who can stop time!! Doesn't that sound exciting? And my wife could be my wife/mad scientist inventor who built me from kitchen appliances. My friend Will could be my friend/cosmic advisor from another dimension (where I get my time-stopping powers from). He could teach how to use my time stopping powers for good instead of evil. Oh, and we could make him really, really gay, like having him wear frilly pink clothes and be a huge Judy Garland fan.

In the first episode we could reveal the first over-arching storyline, that being that my father was murdered by a rogue CIA black ops organization. I could seek revenge at least through the end of season 1, and maybe carrying on into future seasons, depending on how it goes. In the second season, to keep things fresh, we can introduce my evil twin brother. But instead of being a time-stopping robot, he could be a mind-reading alien! Lets see, third season would probably start to drag a little, so we should probably bring in a cute baby. That always seems to boost flagging shows. Especially if the baby could talk! Wow. This sounds pretty good to me. Just for good measure, I should probably be a ninja, too. You know, fighting against evil and whatnot.

My wife and my mom both said that they would definitely watch such a show. And I have 9 strong maybes from my friends, so it looks like there may be a pre-existing market for such a program. I think that it would exploit the often-underutilized "time-stopping robot ninja night-school-student fighting for justice" genre.

Please let me know what you think as soon as possible. If you choose not to produce my show (though I can't think of why not) I would like to pitch the idea to some of the other networks ASAP. I would really be happy if I did not have to do that, however, as I think that FOX is the perfect match for this show.

Very truly yours,

Robert *****

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