Bob's Angry Rants


Dead comedians

07/28/2003 - 3:24 p.m.

This morning on KTVU, Frank Somerville, or maybe it was Ross McGowan (I can never keep those two straight) announced the "sad, sad news" that Bob Hope had passed away. I must say that I don't think that his death merits saying sad twice. I'm not even sure if it merits saying it once. I don't mean to be insensitive or anything, but the guy was 100 years old, for christsake. He's been living on borrowed time for the last 20 years. Old people die. It happens. Would it have been less sad if he had been 105?

When someone is cut down in his or her prime, like Princess Di, Phil Hartman or even someone who isn't a celebrity (gasp!), for example, that's sad. Or if the circumstances surrounding a person's death are unusual, say a triple homicide or something, that can be sad. But when a person hits the three digit mark after a long and happy life and then dies of natural causes (by all reports, peacefully), well, that's about the least sad death that I can think of.

Arnold Schwarzenegger as a potential governor of California? Now that's sad, sad news.

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