Bob's Angry Rants


The name game.

07/23/2003 - 8:54 a.m.

Why the hell do people keep calling me Richard? It's not my name. Of course, Martha calls me Richard at least two or three times a month. But she's a moron, so I expect it from her. Occasionally, one of the attorneys I work for will also call me Richard, but that only happens once in a blue moon, and I blame Martha's influence anyway, so I'll let that go. But on Monday morning, I was at my optometrist's office. I had just been there the week before and I was dropping off my frames to get new lenses for my new prescription. After asking for my last name, the receptionist says, "Oh, right, Richard." No, not Richard. Robert, Robert, Robert! There have been a few other incidents of this over the years, as well. What is disturbing is that this trend appears to be on the rise. I'm not sure if people think that I look like a Richard or if it is just the logical next step from Robert, or what, but I don't like it. This isn't to say that there's anything wrong with Richard. I don't mean to imply that it is a bad name, it just isn't mine.

Why do I have such a hard time getting people to call me "Killbox" but I can't stop people from calling me Richard?

Anne thinks that I should just go by "Bob" and maybe people will have fewer problems. I like to keep my names separate, though. Bob is what my friends call me. Robert is my professional name. I put it on forms and give it to people who I meet in the course of my work or whatnot. I like both of my names, but I also like that they're separate.

Now, this would be the spot where I write some witty remark to end on a strong note, but seeing as how it's been well over a month since I posted an entry and this has been sitting on my hard drive for about that long without an ending, I'm thinking that I should just put it up, as is.

Now that my workload at the office has gone down a bit, I hope this will usher in a new era of semi-regular updates. Maybe. Unless I get lazy.

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