Bob's Angry Rants


Overheard conversations.

01/14/2003 - 10:17 a.m.

Ok, I didn't want to turn this journal into all Martha all time, but she just makes it so hard. Here are a couple bits of overheard conversation:


This morning between Martha and an attorney:

Jack: My sister was telling me that the other day she made her kid breakfast like always, a bowl of cereal, toast and juice and my nephew told her that he couldn't eat his toast because he was lac-toast intolerant.

Martha: So your nephew is lactose intolerant, huh?

Jack: No, it is just a phrase he heard on TV, but because he doesn't know what lactose is, he heard it lac-TOAST intolerant.

Martha: Was there milk in his bread?

Jack: No, he misheard the phrase and thought that there was a condition where people couldn't eat toast.

Martha: You said that he had cereal. There's milk in that. He can't be lactose intolerant. Hahahaha. Kids.

[Jack throws his hands in the air and goes to his office]


Yesterday afternoon to a client:

Client: Can you tell me where a bathroom is?

Martha: Go right out that door and down the hallway.

Client: Which way, right or left?

Martha: Just go straight.

[Client looks out the door, and sees that the hallway runs from the left to the right]

Client: Right or left?

Martha: Straight!

Client (looking defeated): Ok.


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