Bob's Angry Rants


Letter to the HRC re: Math caps.

01/16/2003 - 1:32 p.m.

The following letter won't make much sense unless you check this link (click me!) first or you already know about the Human Rights Campaign. My friend Will really does have one of these hats and I did initially think it might be math related.

January 15, 2003

Human Rights Campaign
919 18th Street, N.W., Suite 800
Washington, D.C. 20006

re: Math cap

Dear Human Rights Campaign:

A friend of mine was wearing one of your math caps the other day and I was just floored. I've been looking for math related baseball caps for years now, and have always met with failure. So you can imagine my surprise when my friend Will walks up, just casually wearing one of your math caps with an equals sign on it, without realizing its significance to me.

When I asked him where I could get a hat like his, he seemed surprised. He said that he didn't know that I felt "that way." I reprimanded him, telling him that he should know better than to think that he could tell that about a person from just looking at him. Can you believe people still think this way? I mean, anyone could love math!

He told me that he knew a club for people of similar interests. I was really excited, since I haven't been to a math club since college. We had a pretty good time, but I was dismayed by the lack of women. Don't we live in an age where math clubs can be gender diversified? Also there was a lot more dancing and a lot less math than I expected for a math club meeting.

Regardless, I did see a couple other math caps, but they were all equals signs, like Will's. Which brings me to my original request. I need one each of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication sign hats. I also could use a square root and a greater than or equal to hat, but these are not as critical. Please send me a cost estimate or catalog so that we may arrange this transaction.

A fellow math lover,

Robert *****

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