Bob's Angry Rants



01/27/2004 - 1:48 p.m.

Well, things are rolling now. I had an interview last Friday and now another one this Thursday. I�ve got my fingers crossed.

It looks like I may have dropped a pant size since my last purchase! This past Thursday I went into San Francisco to scout out my interview location and to buy some nice interview clothes. I tried on a bunch of slacks in a 38 waist, but found that they all looked strangely bulgy on me. To my amazement, I�m wearing 36�s again! Woo hoo! I don�t feel thinner, but maybe all that walking to and from the office had an effect after all.

Of course, now, I�m not walking anywhere, really. At least I�ve starting going with Anne for her morning trips around the lake, though. I need some cold morning work-out clothes though, so I�m going to go try and buy some sweats today. Wearing jeans, belt and polo shirt just doesn�t make for a good exercise outfit. That belt really started chaffing me on the way back.

In the world of politics, General Wesley Clark apparently has come under fire for only recently become a Democrat. I don�t know why everyone is going after him, though. In my opinion, the person who really doesn�t have the Democratic street cred is Lieberman. I mean, if ever there was an elephant in donkey's clothing it�s that joker. Except for the Dixiecrats, I guess, but they�re all gone now. Plus I don�t like the way he blames everything under the sun on violent video games. I like violent video games. Sure, maybe that�s not the best reason to vote/not vote for someone, but it�s at least a good a reason as �I like his movies� or �I recognize his name.� And can you really be elected president if you use phrases like �Joe-mentum?� That should have ended his campaign right there. It�s way worse that that creepy scream of Dean�s, if you ask me.

I really haven�t given much thought to who I support yet. Really, I know that I don�t like Lieberman and Kucinich is a little bit too liberal, even for me. The rest of them� well, I�ll vote for anyone who isn�t named Bush. I�m optimistic because, according to some recent polls, a majority of voting Americans feel similarly.

I don�t know if this product exists, but can anyone tell me where I can get a button with a campaign motif and �Anyone but Bush� on it? I�ll wear it proudly. Well, maybe not to a job interview. Or maybe it would help. One can only hope.

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