Bob's Angry Rants



05/28/2003 - 4:34 p.m.

Okay, well, since my last entry a lot has happened.

1. I finished my finals.

2. Anne and I went to Boston for a week.

3. I had a birthday last Friday.

Well, maybe it doesn't seem like a lot when I write it like that, but it certainly seemed pretty hectic at the time. Since getting back from Boston, I've been trying to get my desk into some semblance of order, with little success. It doesn't help that I have two trials to prepare for in addition to all of the usual stuff that comes in.

Boston was great. We stayed with an old friend of mine, Mark, and his wife, Katie. They were very gracious hosts. The weather was beautiful, the sites were interesting and we were far, far away from our responsibilities. On the downside, the day we went walking on the "Freedom Trail" (a path through Boston to various historical sites) it seemed that every elementary school child in Massachusetts was there. At each location there would be 3 to 5 separate groups of dirty, screaming children running around. It was horrible. I couldn't help but think of locusts as they swarmed around the cemeteries, leaving dazed and confused adults in their wake. Maybe if God had rained screaming children on the Egyptians, they would have let the Jews go earlier. Sounds pretty damn scary to me.

Here's another scary thing. I'm going to die. I am now 28 years of age. Another step closer to death. I guess that, technically, every step you take is a step closer to death, but birthdays, especially so. At least I got a new coffee mug from Mark and Katie. It's yellow and reads "Craptastic" across the front of it. You gotta love that.

Let me just get in a mini-rant here. I think that a lot of people are misusing the word "literally." I saw a news anchor say that "it is literally raining cats and dogs outside." Now, unless cats and dogs were falling from the sky, I think that you might want to reconsider that phrase. On another occasion, I heard someone say that "I am, quite literally, outraged!" As opposed to what, figurative outrage? The word "literally" is not just a way to emphasize what you are saying, but to make it clear that what you are saying is factually true. At least that's the way I understand it. But who knows. I could be literally wrong.

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